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 GM Spot, Ticket System

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Posts : 70
Join date : 2008-01-20

GM Spot, Ticket System Empty
PostSubject: GM Spot, Ticket System   GM Spot, Ticket System EmptyWed Jan 23, 2008 2:55 am


*Note* This is For GM's Non-Gm's Cannot use any of these functions. *Note*

Get This Addon, And put it on, save your fingers.;9488489;/fileinfo.html

Put it in
*Note* Clear your "addons" folder before putting it in. *Note*

Ticket System -

!) Type, /join gm_sync_channel
!!) Open your GM Addon, And click ticket, As New tickets come in they will look like this.

ChexMix) GmTicket 1, ChexMix

That means ChexMix has made a ticket.

Now where it says Ticket ID type there name
Ticket ID
Then click read.
In Chat it pops up saying there problem read it, if nothing pops up and it just says, Now allowing whispering, then they did not put one in.

Now you have read it, Target your self and click "Greetings" button, it says your greeting, You help the person, now your done, Target your self again. And clikc the "Goodbye" button. It says your ending, and now your done, Click "Delete", blocks that person from whispering you, and your done.

Thats all.

Banstick Commands [b]

banchar: Bans character x with or without reason
unbanchar: Unbans character x
kick: Kicks player from server
paralyze: Roots/Paralyzes the target.
unparalyze: Unroots/Unparalyzes the target.

Chat Control [c]

allowwhispers: Allows whispers from player while in gmon mode.
blockwhispers: Blocks whispers from player while in gmon mode.

Debug Commands [d]

debug: Main ‘debug’ command table. Usage: .debug
infront: No description entered.
showreact: No description entered.
aimove: No description entered.
dist: No description entered.
face: No description entered.
moveinfo: No description entered.
setbytes: No description entered.
getbytes: No description entered.
unroot: No description entered.
root: No description entered.
landwalk: No description entered.
waterwalk: No description entered.
castspell: .castspell - Casts spell on target.
castspellne: .castspellne - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc.
celldelete: USE WITH CAUTION! '.celldelete YES' - Removes everything in current cell from game and database. '.celldelete YES YES' removes everything in a range of 1cell.
addrestxp: .addrestxp - Adds x rest XP to player.
generatename: .generatename - Generates name for pet, etc.
attackerinfo: .attackerinfo - Shows selected mob/player's attacker's infomation.
showattackers: .showattackers - Shows selected mob/player's attacker on the minimap.
aggrorange: .aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature.
knockback : .knockback - Knocks you back.
fade : .fade - calls ModThreatModifyer().
threatMod : .threatMod - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer().
calcThreat : .calcThreat - calculates threat.
threatList : .threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature.
gettptime: grabs transporter travel time
itempushresult: sends item push result
weather: No description entered.
setbit: No description entered.
setvalue: No description entered.
getpos: No description entered.

Battlegrounds Commands [e]

battleground: Main BG command table. Usage: .battleground
setbgscore: - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.
startbg: Starts current battleground match.
pausebg: Pauses current battleground match.
bginfo: Displays information about current battleground.
battleground: Shows BG Menu
setworldstate: - Var can be in hex. WS Value.
playsound: . Val can be in hex.
setbfstatus: .setbfstatus – Not Yet Implemented.
leave: Leaves the current battleground.

Extended Debug Commands? [f]

killbyplayer: Disconnects the player with name .
killbyaccount: Disconnects the session with account name .
getrate: Gets rate .
setrate: Sets rate .

GM Ticket Commands [g]

gmTicket: Main GM ticket system command table. Usage: .gmTicket
get: Gets GM Ticket
getId: Gets GM Ticket by ID
delId: Deletes GM Ticket by ID

Invincibility Command [j]

invincible: .invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you)

Invisibility Command [i]

invisible: .invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages)

Guild Commands [l]

createguild: No description entered.

Modify commands [m]
modify: Main stat-modification command table. Usage: .modify
hp: Health Points/HP
mana: Mana Points/MP
rage: Rage Points
energy: Energy Points
armor: Armor
holy: Holy Resistance
fire: Fire Resistance
nature: Nature Resistance
frost: Frost Resistance
shadow: Shadow Resistance
arcane: Arcane Resistance
damage: Unit Damage Min/Max
scale: Size/Scale
gold: Gold/Money/Copper
speed: Movement Speed
nativedisplayid: Native Display ID
displayid: Display ID
flags: Unit Flags:
faction: Faction Template
dynamicflags: Dynamic Flags
talentpoints: Talent Points
loyalty: Loyalty
spirit: Spirit
boundingraidus: Bounding Radius
combatreach: Combat Reach
emotestate: NPC Emote State

More Modify Commands [m]

createaccount: .createaccount - Creates account. Format should be .createaccount username password email
playerinfo: .playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...)
mount: Mounts into modelid x.
dismount: Dismounts.
start: Teleport's you to a starting location
levelup: No description entered.
additem: No description entered.
removeitem: Removes item %u count %u.
learn: Learns spell
unlearn: Unlearns spell
learnskill: .learnskill (optional) - Learns skill id skillid.
advanceskill: advanceskill - Advances skill line x times..
removeskill: .removeskill - Removes skill
increaseweaponskill: .increaseweaponskill - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1).
removeauras: Removes all auras from target
setmotd: Sets MOTD
additemset: Adds item set to inv.
gotrig: Warps to areatrigger
createinstance: Creates instance on map
goinstance: Joins instance
exitinstance: Exits current instance, return to entry point.
dbreload: Reloads some of the database tables
spawnspiritguide: Spawns a spirit guide (params: 1 = horde, 0 = alliance)
advanceallskills: Advances all skills points.
unlockmovement: Unlocks movement for player.
modperiod: Changes period of current transporter.
npcfollow: Sets npc to follow you
follow: Sets npc to not follow anything
formationlink1: Sets formation master.
formationlink2: Sets formation slave with distance and angle
formationclear: Removes formation from creature
playall: Plays a sound to the entire server.
addipban: Bans an ip address

banaccounts: Bans accounts
renamechar: Renames character x to y.
forcerenamechar: Forces character x to rename his char next login
getstanding: Gets standing of faction %u.
setstanding: Sets standing of faction %u.

Cheat Commands [m]

cheat: Main cheat command table. Usage: .cheat
status: Shows active cheats.
taxi: Enables all taxi nodes.
cooldown: Enables no cooldown cheat.
casttime: Enables no cast time cheat.
power: Disables mana consumption etc.
god: Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage.
fly: Sets fly mode
land: Unsets fly mode
explore: Reveals the unexplored parts of the map.
flyspeed: Modifies fly speed.
stack: Enables aura stacking cheat.
morph: Morphs into model id x.
demorph: Demorphs from morphed model.

Honor Modification Commands [m]

honor: Main honor system command table. Usage: .honor
getpvprank: Gets PVP Rank
setpvprank: Sets PVP Rank
addpoints: Adds x amount of honor points/currency
addkills: Adds x amount of honor kills
globaldailyupdate: Daily honor field moves
singledailyupdate: Daily honor field moves for selected player only
pvpcredit: Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points

Pet Commands [m]

pet: Main pet command table. Usage: .pet
createpet: Creates a pet with .
renamepet: Renames a pet to .
enablerename: Enables pet rename.
addspell: Teaches pet .
removespell: Removes pet spell .

NPC Commands [n]

npc: Main NPC command table. Usage: .npc
vendoradditem: Adds to vendor
vendorremoveitem: Removes from vendor.
flags: Changes NPC flags
emote: emote - Sets emote state
run: No description entered.
addweapon: No description entered.
allowmove: No description entered.
addgrave: No description entered.
addspirit: No description entered.
faction: No description entered.
delete: Deletes mob from db and world.
info: Displays NPC information
guid: Shows selected object guid
addAgent: .npc addAgent delAgent: .npc delAgent listAgent: .npc listAgent
reset: resets npc health/dmg from temp table.
export: Exports the npc to a sql file
say: .npc say - Makes selected mob say text .
yell: .npc yell - Makes selected mob yell text .
come: .npc come - Makes npc move to your position
return: .npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.
spawn: .npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry
spawnlink: .spawnlink sqlentry
resetreputation: .resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.)
resetlevel: .resetlevel - Resets all stats to level 1 of targeted player. DANGEROUS.
resetspells: .resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS.
resettalents: .resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS.
resetskills: .resetskills - Resets all skills.

GameObject Commands [o]

gobject: Main gameobject command table. Usage: .gobject
select: Selects the nearest GameObject to you
delete: Deletes selected GameObject
spawn: Spawns a GameObject by ID
info: Gives you informations about selected GO
activate: Activates/Opens the selected GO.
enable: Enables the selected GO for use.
scale: Sets scale of selected GO
animprogress: Sets anim progress
export: Exports the current GO selected
statelink: .statelink sqlentry, Links a GO state to a Npc

Information Commands [p]

gm: Shows active GM's
gps: Shows Position
info: Server info
uptime: Shows server uptime

Teleport (Recall)Commands [q]

recall: Main teleportation command table. Usage: .recall
list: List recall locations
port: Port to recalled location
add: Add recall location
del: Remove a recall location
portplayer: recall ports player

Life and Death Commands [r]

kill: .kill - Kills selected unit.
revive: Revives you.: 0, 0, 0},
reviveplr: Revives player specified.

Save Commands [s]

save: Save's your character
saveall: Save's all playing characters

GM Tag Commands [t]

fmoff: Sets GM tag off
gmon: Sets GM tag on

Universal Commands [u]

Commands: Shows Commands
help: Shows help for command
announce: Sends Msg To All
wannounce: Sends Widescreen Msg To All

Extended Teleport Commands [v]

appear: Teleports to x's position.
summon: Summons x to your position
worldport: No description entered.

Waypoint Commands [w]

waypoint: waypointCommandTable
add: Add wp at current pos
show: Show wp's for creature
hide: Hide wp's for creature
delete: Delete selected wp
movehere: Move to this wp
flags: Wp flags
waittime: Wait time at this wp
emote: Emote at this wp
skin: Skin at this wp
change: Change at this wp
info: Show info for wp
movetype: Movement type at wp
generateNo description entered.Randomly generate wps
save: Save all waypoints
deleteall: Delete all waypoints

Admin Commands [z]

security: No description entered.
servershutdown: Initiates server shutdown in seconds.
serverrestart: Initiates server restart in seconds.
castall: Makes all players online cast spell .

Now heres the macros for classes missing skills. Just make a macro with the below learn. skills.

Skill Ids


.learn 5487
.learn 1066
.learn 40120
.learn 768
.learn 783
.learn 6795
.learn 6807
.learn 9634


.learn 883
.learn 2641
.learn 6991
.learn 2650
.learn 982
.learn 5149
.learn 20900
.learn 20905
.learn 20909
.learn 24132


.learn 20356
.learn 24341
.learn 20287
.learn 7328
.learn 20347
.learn 20348
.learn 20349
.learn 27160
.learn 20357
.learn 27166
.learn 13819
.learn 34769
.learn 23214
.learn 34767


.learn 13908
.learn 10797


.learn 2842
.learn 8679
.learn 2837
.learn 8694
.learn 13228
.learn 13229
.learn 13230
.learn 27283
.learn 3421
.learn 185


.learn 3599
.learn 8190
.learn 10585
.learn 10586
.learn 10587
.learn 25552
.learn 8071
.learn 25472
.learn 10614
.learn 25585
.learn 5394


.learn 688
.learn 697
.learn 712
.learn 691
.learn 1122


.learn 71
.learn 2458
.learn 355
.learn 20252
.learn 25225

Here Some helpful Skill ID's

Skill Ids

Command: .learnsk [skill id]

ID Number | Name

754 Racial - Human
393 Skinning
109 Language: Orcish
124 Tauren Racial
433 Shield
137 Language: Thalassian
473 Fist Weapons
140 Language: Titan
160 Two-Handed Maces
253 Assassination
313 Language: Gnomish
613 Discipline
653 Pet - Bat
413 Mail
414 Leather
45 Bows
229 Polearms
593 Destruction
573 Restoration
251 Pet - Turtle
257 Protection
293 Plate Mail
8 Fire
46 Guns
270 Pet - Generic
98 Language: Common
125 Orc Racial
315 Language: Troll
139 Language: Demon Tongue
354 Demonology
355 Affliction
165 Leatherworking
134 Feral Combat
373 Enhancement
374 Restoration
375 Elemental Combat
415 Cloth
236 Pet - Scorpid
176 Thrown
6 Frost
26 Arms
38 Combat
39 Subtlety
44 Axes
50 Beast Mastery
51 Survival
56 Holy
78 Shadow Magic
101 Dwarven Racial
111 Language: Dwarven
113 Language: Darnassian
115 Language: Taurahe
118 Dual Wield
136 Staves
138 Language: Draconic
141 Language: Old Tongue
142 Survival
155 Swimming
163 Marksmanship
164 Blacksmithing
172 Two-Handed Axes
173 Daggers
184 Retribution
189 Pet - Felhunter
197 Tailoring
204 Pet - Voidwalker
205 Pet - Succubus
206 Pet - Infernal
208 Pet - Wolf
209 Pet - Cat
210 Pet - Bear
211 Pet - Boar
212 Pet - Crocilisk
213 Pet - Carrion Bird
214 Pet - Crab
217 Pet - Raptor
218 Pet - Tallstrider
220 Racial - Undead
226 Crossbows
228 Wands
574 Balance
256 Fury
594 Holy
633 Lockpicking
654 Pet - Hyena
655 Pet - Owl
656 Pet - Wind Serpent
673 Language: Gutterspeak
95 Defense
333 Enchanting
186 Mining
43 Swords
55 Two-Handed Swords
733 Racial - Troll
753 Racial - Gnome
188 Pet - Imp
203 Pet - Spider
207 Pet - Doomguard
215 Pet - Gorilla
202 Engineering
356 Fishing
171 Alchemy
54 Maces
182 Herbalism
755 Jewelcrafting
129 First Aid
185 Cooking
126 Night Elf Racial
237 Arcane
261 Beast Training
267 Protection
40 Poisons
162 Unarmed
762 Riding

Well there you go.
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